Garry Kasparov: Neříkejte mi, že jsem měl pravdu, a poslouchejte, co říkám teď
24. února 2022, 17:08
Jeden z největších mozků, které kdy Rusko mělo, svého času uchazeč o křeslo ruského prezidenta (to by nikdy nevyšlo, ale byla by to krása), fenomenální šachista, dnes rezident New York City a hlasitý kritik Putina Garry Kasparov měl v minulosti o Rusku a zbytečném appeasementu vždycky pravdu. Teď shrnul na svém Twitteru do několika bodů, co je potřeba udělat proti ruské agresi vůči Ukrajině. Není potřeba mnoho dodat:
Ok, after years of warnings were ignored and hearing „Garry, you were right!“ all damn day today, I’ll repeat what I said in 2014: Stop telling me I was right and listen to what I’m saying now. My recommendations follow:
– Support Ukraine militarily, immediately, everything but boots on the ground. All weapons, intel, cyber.
– Bankrupt Putin’s war machine. Freeze & seize Russia’s finances & those of him and his gang.
– Kick Russia out of every intl & financial institution. PACE, Interpol.
– Recall all ambassadors from Russia. There is no point in talking. The new unified message is „stop or be isolated completely“.
– Ban all elements of Putin’s global propaganda machine. Turn them off, shut them down, send them home. Stop helping the dictator spread lies & hate.
– Expose and act against Putin’s lackeys in the free world. If Schröder and his ilk continue to work for Putin, bring charges. Ask the owners & advertisers of networks platforming Putin propagandists like Carlson why they allow it.
– Replace Russian oil & gas. Pressure OPEC, increase production, reopen Keystone. You can’t save the planet if you don’t save the people on it.
– Acknowledge there will be costs, sacrifices. We waited too long, the price is high, but it will only get higher. It’s time to fight.
Cannot ignore the political 5th column of Putinists, from the far right & left in EU to the tankies & Trump & his GOP followers in the US. They may have the right to support a brutal dictator’s war in order to criticize Biden, but it’s disgusting and anti-American. Do not forget.